Journal of the International Ombuds Association


 About the JIOA

The Journal of the International Ombuds Association (JIOA) is a peer-reviewed online journal for scholarly articles and information relevant to the ombuds profession. As members of a relatively new profession, we continually strive to understand, define, and clarify the role and function of the professional organizational ombuds.

The JIOA helps foster recognition that what we do for our agencies, corporations, colleges, and universities is worthy of study. While we must vigorously protect the confidentiality of our interactions, we can still study and be studied to understand what we do and how we do it; what works well and what doesn't work; what our options are; how social, technical, and legal changes may impact us; what the profile and career development of ombuds professionals might be, and other matters of interest.

The JIOA can facilitate a greater interest in ombudsing, enhance our professional standing, and serve to give us a better understanding of our dynamic roles and the impact on our institutions and agencies.

Current and past issues of the JIOA are available to everyone. 

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JOIA Article Index

Media Review

The Journal for the International Ombuds Association has contacted several publishers and requested copies of a few books where the reviews could be useful to the ombuds community. If you are passionate about any of the following works and you would like review for the JIOA we encourage you to learn more about our review process and reach out to the team to get involved.

  1. Burnout While Working, Leiter, Michael P., et al
  2. Corporate Reputation and Social Activism, Abito, Jose Miguel, et al
  3. The European Ombudsman & Good Administration in the EU, Vogiatzis, Nikolas
  4. Training to Imagine, Koppett, Kat
  5. Working Virtually, Hoefling, Trina
  6. Black Women, Intersectionality, and Workplace Bullying, Hollis, Leah
  7. The Elephant in the Room: Engaging with the Unsaid in Groups and Organizations, Svalgaard, Lotte
  8. Senior Leadership Teams and the Agile Organization, Zaccaro, et al
  9. Preventing Harmful Behaviour in Online Communities: Censorship and Interventions, Alderton, Zoe
  10. Diversity without Dogma: A Collaborative Approach to Leading DEI Education and Action, Crosby, Gilmore
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Manuscript Submission

The JIOA invites IOA members, other ombuds, and additional professionals to reach out to their colleagues with their ideas, research findings, theories, and recommendations for best practices and to engage in ongoing discussions of critical issues.

Submissions are encouraged from all contributors regardless of affiliation with the International Ombudsman Association. The JIOA encourages contributions relevant to the work of ombuds in any setting. The JIOA is a peer-refereed journal and articles are accepted without remuneration. Authors wishing to discuss submission ideas are encouraged to contact the Co-Editors or a member of JIOA's Editorial Board via email at [email protected].

The JIOA accepts submissions on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year. It is intended that decisions on publication will be made within three months of receipt of a submitted manuscript. Learn more using the resources below. 

Special JIOA Event - Developing Authors for the JIOA: Experiences of Ombuds Scholar-Practitioners from International Ombuds Association on Vimeo.

JIOA Article Types

  • Research and Scholarship Features – Manuscripts submitted for review in this area may include qualitative and quantitative manuscripts that clearly provide a theory-research-practice connection. The manuscripts should be methodologically sound with a clearly defined practice section in which the author(s) shares how the research relates to ombuds practice e.g., policy issues, community engagement, management, organization, conflict management, etc.) and/or how the findings can be used in ombuds practice in various sectors (academic, corporate, etc.). The manuscripts should provide a unique perspective on current issues impacting our organizations, constituents, and practice. Literature reviews and essays that connect current issues with practice, propose creative models for ombuds practice or discuss innovative uses of theory are welcome. These range in length between 6,000 to 10,000 words.
  • Innovations in Practice Features – Manuscripts submitted for review in this area of emphasis should describe high-quality illustrations of effective, creative, and collaborative practices, programs, or policies. These illustrations are to be grounded in theory and/or research as well as convey relevance beyond the organization(s) of the author(s). Evidence of innovation must go beyond simple measures of satisfaction and, instead, illuminate effectiveness and usefulness. We invite manuscripts offering bold visions that challenge readers to think critically and reflectively about ombuds practice.  These should not exceed 6,000 words.
  • Media Reviews – An evolution of the book review format, manuscripts are invited to comment on the wide variety of media currently available to ombuds practitioners. Authors are encouraged to comment on the implications for the practice of Internet resources, blogs, newsletters, books, films/videos, presentation materials, and other available media resources. Media Review manuscripts, informative and critical, allow ombuds to learn of media that is useful to their work. These should not exceed 1,200 words.
  • Research in Brief – Articles submitted for the Research in Brief section should report meaningful research that does not require a full-length manuscript. Articles should present research about instruments/instrument development, methods, interventions, or analytical tools which may be helpful to researchers or consumers of research in conducting and understanding the ombuds profession. Research articles focused on specific interventions and research which examines the ombuds profession with regards to training, administration, etc. are also typically considered for the Research in Brief section. Rigorous studies that are focused on a single organization and/or narrowly focused studies may also be considered for the Research in Brief section. The criteria for review are similar to those used in the review of the Research and Scholarship Feature articles.  These should not exceed 3,000 words.
  • Interviews – Manuscripts submitted for review in this area should consist of an interview with a professional or researcher in the field of ombuds work centered on a theme or current issue that would be of interest to the JIOA audience. Authors are encouraged to write in a narrative format (not Q & A). These should not exceed 3,000 words.
  • Case Challenges – Designed to stimulate interest among experienced ombuds in a problem that they might encounter in practice (not something that would be extremely rare). The section focuses on the reasoning process. Articles are limited to 2,500 words, references, tables, photos, or figures.
  • Policy Feature – Identifies issues, trends, barriers, legislative successes, or recommendations that affect ombuds ability to practice to the full extent of the Standards of Practice. Articles are limited to 3,000 words.
  • Educational Feature – Manuscripts that describe ombuds evaluation, mentoring, or other components of ombuds training. These should not exceed 3,000 words.
  • Q&A with Luminaries of the Field – Editorial roundtable

Language of Manuscripts

The JIOA will accept manuscripts in all major languages for review for publication. Where manuscripts are submitted in languages other than English, an English ‘Abstract’ must be supplied. Subject to the paper being published in the JIOA, this English ‘Abstract’ will be published alongside the ‘Abstract’ in the author’s original language. Occasionally, at the discretion of the Editor, the paper will be published with a full-English translation. As with all submissions, authors wishing to discuss potential submissions in languages other than English are encouraged to contact the Editors or members of JIOA’s editorial board. 

Email an Article Proposal


Contact JIOA

If you have any questions about the JIOA please contact the editors at [email protected].


JIOA Editorial Board

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