CO-OP® Credential Certification

Stand Out and Make a Difference!

Are you interested in gaining new recognition for your role as an organizational ombuds? Become a Certified Organizational Ombuds Practitioner (CO-OP®).

The Board of Certification for Certified Organizational Ombuds Practitioners® (CO-OP®) offers three levels of designation: CO-OP®, Candidate for CO-OP®, and Inactive CO-OP®


Next Steps

CO-OP® Exam Information
Learn About the CO-OP® Exam
Apply for the CO-OP® Designation
Recertification for the CO-OP® Designation
Apply to Become a Candidate for CO-OP®
Renew as a Candidate for CO-OP®
Move to Inactive CO-OP® Status

More About CO-OP®

CO-OP® Credential & Other Levels of Designation
Review the CO-OP® FAQ Page


CO-OP® Board of Directors
Board Policies
Directory of CO-OP®  Practitioners
 Filing a Complaint
2023 Conference PDH Tracking Sheet