Welcome to the Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory

Connect with Skilled Ombuds Practitioners

If you are looking for assistance in developing or enhancing your ombuds program, you may want to consider the option of working with a qualified ombuds practitioner.

You can use this Directory to find IOA members who practice to IOA Standards of Practice & Code of Ethics and are available to provide outsourced (external) ombuds services to your organization on a contract basis. Directory members may also consult with organizations seeking advice on how to set up a new ombuds office or support existing ombuds offices who would benefit from an experienced ombuds to help improve procedures, policies, reporting, or help with an overflow of visitors. Ombuds from around the world are encouraged to join the directory and may offer services locally or internationally. Learn more about how to search the directory below.

If you would like to promote a job opening for ombuds services we encourage you to post the position on the IOA Job Board.

Please note this directory is not for individuals looking for an ombuds to assist with a particular issue or concerns they are facing. If you would like to talk to or hire an ombuds on a personal basis you can learn more on this page

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How Can an Outsourced Ombuds or Ombuds Consultant Help Your Organization?

Do you need help designing or setting up a program?  Several consultants in our Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory provide program assessment and design services.  

Do you need limited term ombuds work i.e. conference ombuds?  Many ombuds in our directory can assist 

Does your organization lack trust in your internal options or do you prefer an ombuds that is housed externally to your organization? Outsourced ombuds or externally housed ombuds can be a valuable option for organizations of all types to consider while also providing outside expertise.  They work with visitors and provide case consultations.  They can create, facilitate, and deliver topical training, and workshops.  They also  have capabilities stemming from professional experience beyond ombuds experience, such as people management, coach, mediator, and/or other forms of conflict resolution - just as their counterparts housed inside organizations.  

The Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory Is Designed to...

  • Connect those seeking knowledgeable and skilled ombuds practitioners. View the Directory
  • Feature experienced IOA members who are available to offer their services to a wider audience. Members can join here!

Services Listed in the Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory Can Include the Following

  • Outsourced ombuds services for companies, educational institutions, and other organizations on a contract and/or temporary basis
  • Conference Ombuds services
  • Support when hiring an ombuds or ombuds office support staff
  • Consulting on difficult cases
  • Building ombuds office awareness/communication strategies
  • Designing and/or managing an ombuds program
  • Establishing an ombuds office case management system, policies, and practices
  • Developing surveys and/or assessments, analyzing feedback, and creating reports
  • Evaluating existing ombuds programs
  • Writing annual reports
  • Assisting existing ombuds team to work directly with visitors (handling case overflow)
  • Creating, facilitating, and delivering topical training, workshops, and or other types of dialogue spaces not offered by IOA
  • Providing ombuds leadership, coaching, mediation, or other forms of conflict resolution consulting services

Disclaimer: IOA does not guarantee the work of any of the providers included in this directory and does not verify the qualifications of providers. Learn more.

Please email [email protected] with questions or feedback about the Directory, or for further assistance.

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How to Join the Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory Directory

IOA Members meeting certain criteria may join the Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory. The annual fee is $250 USD per year. Members of the directory will have an opportunity to renew their listing annually.

We are now offering a discounted rate for members who join from the same firm. The first listing will be full price at $250 USD, and each additional member from the same firm will be able to join the directory for $175 USD.

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How to Search for an Ombuds Practitioner

The search fields on the directory detail the many different services outsourced ombuds offer and the many different sectors and regions they serve. If you have any questions about the directory, or how to get started, please email the IOA office at [email protected].

Instructions on How to Search the Directory

  1. Use the criteria below to narrow your search results.
  2. If would like to simply see a full list, you can leave all fields blank and select "Search".
  3. Once you have found the correct candidate(s) simply reach out using their email address or website URL.
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IOA Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory Disclaimer

The IOA Outsourced Ombuds and Consultant Directory is offered solely as a service to organizations wishing to contract with ombuds or other ombuds service providers who have represented that they adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the International Ombuds Association (IOA).  The information provided in this Directory is for general information only and has been provided by the people or entities listed, who are independent service providers. IOA makes no recommendation, representation, or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the adequacy, validity, reliability, or completeness of the information provided, or of the fitness for a particular purpose of any person or entity listed in the directory. IOA encourages organizations to conduct their own due diligence on the listed service providers. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL IOA HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF A SERVICE PROVIDER LISTED IN THIS DIRECTORY.