K-12 School Ombuds Toolkit

A Guide to Helping Establish an Ombuds Program for Your Insitution

This toolkit of materials was compiled by the ABA Dispute Resolution Section Ombuds Committee to assist K-12 school communities in establishing ombuds programs. The toolkit may be downloaded in three parts. An index for each section is also listed below. 

Part 1:

  1. "Understanding the Types of Ombudsman: A Starter Guide," by Julie A. Smith and Charles L. Howard
  2. "Ombuds Offices Overview," by Ellen R. Williams, Sara Thacker, and Jonathan Stier
  3. "A Broader View of Dispute Resolution," by Charles L. Howard
  4. Brochure of the DC Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education
  5. Comparison of Roles and Responsibilities by the District of Columbia State Board of Education
  6. 2015 Annual Report by Joyanna Smith, Ombudsman for Public Education, DC Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education

Download Part 1

Part 2:

  1. District of Columbia statutes creating the Office of the Ombudsman for Public Education
  2. Brochure of the Portland (OR) Public Schools Office of the Ombudsman
  3. Administrative Directive 4.5.031-AD: Complaint Resolution Process for the Portland (OR) Public Schools
  4. Brochure of the Pasadena (CA) Unified School District Ombuds Office
  5. Draft Ombuds Charter for the Pasadena (CA) Unified School District
  6. Draft Ombuds Job Description for the Pasadena (CA) Unified School District
  7. Howard County (MD) Policy 2030-PR: Implementation Procedures for Ombudsman

Download Part 2

Part 3:

  1. Sample Frequently Asked Questions for K-12 Ombuds Office
  2. 2004 American Bar Association Resolution: revised Standards for the Establishment and Operation of Ombuds Offices
  3. Code of Ethics of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA)
  4. IOA Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Governmental Ombudsman Standards from the United States Ombudsman Association (USOA)
  6. Model Ombudsman Act for State Governments from USOA

Download Part 3

Have Questions?

If you have any questions or need additional advice on setting up a conference ombuds program, please contact the IOA office.